The show, which follows teams of paranormal investigators as they stay in haunted locations for 28 days, used New London County staple the Captain Grant's Inn, located in Preston, at 109 CT-2A as one of these haunted spots, according to Decider.
The inn, which was built in 1754, is described as a top destination for ghost hunters and the owner, Carol Matsumoto, wrote a book about the spirits that she believes occupy the property, the outlet reports.
Some of these spirits include Mercy Adelaide, the wife of the inn's 19th-century owner, and Deborah, who died at age five in the 1700s and is buried in the cemetery behind the inn, according to the outlet.
The show is part of a paranormal experiment based on the theories of Ed and Lorraine Warren, famous paranormal investigators from Connecticut, according to Netflix.
Click here for the full story from Decider.
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